Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Angels Watching Over Me - Jacky Newcomb

This book includes miraculous and uplifting stories of real-life contact from our loved ones and Angels on the "other side" of life, as well as a fascinating investigation into the secrets of afterlife communication.

  • Read afterlife stories about the British royal family, presidents, prime ministers and Hollywood stars!

  • The grandma who pushed her granddaughter back into her body because it wasn't her time

  • The mysterious cat who "gate-crashed" a funeral

  • The Angel Dad who saved his daughter and her friends from a head-on crash by using "missing time"

  • The grandmother who was escorted to heaven by the spirit of her late husband carrying a bunch of flowers!
Read these and more amazing real-life stories from all over the world. Learn simple and safe ways to reach out to your own family of heavenly Angels. These messages will bring comfort and healing to anyone who has lost someone.

If you ignore the slightly sensationalistic approach of the synopsis what you get is actually another collection of heartwarming stories of after-life communication from ordinary people around the world.

Unlike the other books I've read by this author this one looks more at the after-life, touching on issues such as grief, suggestions for celebrating a loved ones life, connecting to the Other Realms yourself and more besides, all illustrated by stories collated from people who have contacted Jacky about their own experiences.

As someone who is deeply interested in all things esoteric I feel the subjects really deserve a much more in-depth approach than that given but, as Jacky herself states, that just wasn't possible in such a small book. However, if you're new to the whole Angels and after-life phenomena then this book would be a nice starting point.

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